Java Slot Machine Gui Code

Last step for our Slot Machine Application is to write the Java code of the Main Activity. We declare three Wheel objects. One for each reel of our Slot Machine. We create a static randomLong method to return a random long value between lower and upper values passed in parameters. Other jobs related to java slot machine source code java chat messenger source code, java slot machine coding, java project ffmpeg source code, free java instant messenger source code, live web cam java web application source code, java thrust game source code, convert java exe file source code, slot machine source code, simple java. At AIS Technolabs, we develop slot machine code using different programming languages such as Java, C, C, and JavaScript according to the client’s demand. Moreover, the clients can attain our range of services, i.e., customization, modification, and online launch of the gaming site.

Assignment # 2 –

Create a GUI that implements the Vending Machine Code of Assignment # 1

Code so that every vending machine starts with the default:

10 cups of coffee at 50 Cents each

Assignment #1



Assignment #2

GUI Interface should provide

menu( )

displays the quantity and price of coffee

Label to

  • display of number of cups
  • and the price per cup

insert(int quarters, int dimes, int nickels)

inserts the given amount

Buttons (instead of slots) to insert

  • quarters
  • dimes
  • nickels

Label that shows

  • total amount of money inserted

select( )

dispenses a cup of coffee if user has inserted enough money and coffee is available, otherwise displays a


Button to

  • get the cup of coffee

Label that

  • shows if a cup was dispensed or if there was not the right amount of change or if there was no coffee to dispense

refund( )

returns the money inserted

Button to

  • refund money inserted

This should reset total amount of money inserted to zero.


reports variable state of the vending machine

This is a restricted function that should only be available to authorized users who have the correct password:

  • Create a keypad entry of Buttons consisting 0 thru 9.

(Each time a user presses a keypad button, the vending machine builds a password of consecutive numbers)

·Button to submit password and display amount of money in the machine.Be sure to erase entered password some time after this button is pressed.

  • TextArea that will contain the output of toString( )

(If the user entered the correct password, otherwise display a message that the police are being notified of an intended break-in)

·The password should be 908172 -- any other password must not work.

You determine the color combinations and layout of the GUI.

GUI Notes


odisplays text in a rectangular region

oTextArea text = new TextArea(8,50);// displays 8 rows, with 50 print positions

oTextArea text = new TextArea(“This is a sample”,8,50); // displays an initial message

otext.setEditable(false);// prevents users from editing the text

otext.setText(“Some string”);// updates the data within the text

otext.setText(“ “);// creates a blank text

oadd(text);// puts the text within the applet

osomeContainer.add(text);// puts the text within the someContainer

One possibility for completing the assignment would be to experiment with and build on the the following code:

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class VM extends Applet {

private int accumulator = 0;

private String command = ';

private Color backgroundColor;

int numberInput = 0;

int total = 0;

Label showTotal;

TextArea text = new TextArea('Click a button',8,50);

String s = 'You clicked the ';

String buttonName;

public void init() {

showTotal = new Label(' + total);


Java Games


Button oneButton = new Button('1');


oneButton.addActionListener(new NumberButtonListener());

Button twoButton = new Button('2');


Java Slot Machine Gui Code

twoButton.addActionListener(new NumberButtonListener());

Button stopButton = new Button('stop');


stopButton.addActionListener(new StopButtonListener());

Button goButton = new Button('go');


goButton.addActionListener(new GoButtonListener());




public void paint(Graphics g) {

Java Slot Machine Gui Code Roblox


text.setText(s + buttonName);


class NumberButtonListener implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


buttonName = new String(e.getActionCommand());

numberInput = Integer.parseInt(buttonName);

total += numberInput;

showTotal.setText(' + total);




class GoButtonListener implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

backgroundColor =;

buttonName = new String(e.getActionCommand());


Free Java Slot Machine Games



class StopButtonListener implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

backgroundColor =;

Java Slot Machine Gui Codes

buttonName = new String(e.getActionCommand());






Test your program for correctness and accuracy, prior to submitting it for grading.

Compare your program to the Program Deduction Check List to avoid penalty points.

Only send the *.java file for grading

All assignments MUST be received as email prior to the class session due date.

·Email sent to

Java Slot Machine Gui Code Generator

NOTE: When sending this e-mail assignment be sure to use the following header format or else the email assignment will NOT be graded:

Subj: 212 HW2 Your_name(s)

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